Mom took me to the Vet and found out that I had feline herpes that I got from my mom. She was worried about me, but the vet said I should outgrow it and not to worry too much, they would keep an eye on it as I grew up more. I was already spayed, so Mom didn't have to get that done and I got my shots so for a while I didn't have to go back to the doctor's office. I wasn't allowed to go outside, but that was ok. I had lots of adventures around the house. I could hide in the laundry room and behind the couch. Even under the bed was fun. Sometimes the closet door would be open and I would hide in there, but I had to be fast and get out before it got closed on me. But what I liked best, was just snuggling with Mom and Dad when they watched TV or read a book. Sometimes I would climb up on Mom's shoulder, but I liked her lap better. She liked to pet me and scratch behind my ears and I liked it too. I liked to do things my way though and sometimes that got me in trouble. Dad would get mad if I scratched the couch, but a cat's gotta be able to scratch something. Or I would try and steal a pen or pencil and bat it around til they found it and took it away. I didn't really like the regular cat toys, finding my own was more fun. My favorite thing of all though were Q-Tips! Did you know a cat could hold a Q-Tip in one paw, dip it in the water bowl and then suck the water out of the cotton top? Well I could! It was the best fun! I liked the plastic ring that came off the milk jugs, too. It skittered on the kitchen floor like crazy, but not so much on the rug. Mom would twist up some paper for me too and I would spend loads of time just batting that around. When I got tired of batting it around, I put it under the couch with the other bits of paper.
Mom would watch me playing with all this stuff and one day while I was trying to steal a pencil, she yelled at me and I just gave her this look, you know the kind of 'I'm a cat I can do what I want' look. She took one look, said can you believe this cat? Told me who did I think I was? Little Miss like in the song by the Spin Doctors? I can't do anything wrong? And for some reason, I loved being that Little Miss. It just seemed to fit, so anytime Mom would call me Little Miss after that, I just came right up to her and gave her the cat head-butt, my way of saying: “yup, that's me”! It didn't take long before I was called Little Miss , or Missy all the time. Mom was just amazed that I would come to her when she called for me but I really liked being Miss Cat, it was just perfect.
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