Sunday, September 25, 2011

Life before the Invasion

Here I am at about 2 or 3 years old in the great house in the country. There I was allowed to go outside all the time. I could chase mice, go visit cows, lounge in the sun just about anything a cat loved to do, I could do it. It was the best! It was me, Dave, Anne and Derik back then and it was just purrfect. Even if Derik got upset with my hunting skills sometimes, like the time he stole my mouse and I had to yell at Mom about it. Boy, was I mad at him! But, most of the time, he was pretty cool and life was good.
  I spent the next 4 years or so just having the time of my life, no other critters to interfere. I split my affection between Anne and Dave pretty evenly. We would watch TV at night and I would spend some time on Dave's lap, then move to Mom's. I cuddled with Mom in bed, yelled at her when she stayed up too late and poor Dad was in bed alone. She didn't mind too much when I would pull her hair to get her to come to bed. I've never been real friendly with new people. It takes me a while to get used to someone new, so I just stay out of the way if company comes over. There have been a few new people that I've liked. I liked Mom's friend Dee and her daughter Jessica. They are nice and they know how to appreciate a cat like me. But mostly, I just ignore strange people in my house. Things went along like this until Mom decided that we needed a house of our own. Why I ask you?? This one was just fine with me, but I didn't get a say.
  So, a new person kept coming to my house and taking Mom and Dad away in her big truck. They were having a hard time finding a house that they both liked. I didn't care if it took forever, but Mom was getting anxious and Dad was just getting frustrated. Finally, they found one they liked and the next thing I knew we were packing up all our stuff and moving. I hated the packing up! My fun hiding places were getting all messed up, my stuff was getting moved around and all confused and the cleaning!! Geez! do you know how loud a vacuum cleaner is to a cat? Loud!
  Then one day, all the cleaning was done, the boxes were all packed and Dad got a BIG truck and Mom put me in the crappy cat carrier while they filled up the truck with all our stuff. It took all day! They took me with them and I got to explore the new house. It was ok, but it smelled way different from the old one. I kept getting lost in all the new places, but I found some new hiding spots and that was fun. By the end of the day, all our stuff was in this new place, but really messed up. I sure hoped it would get organized fast, so I could settle in. The worst part was I couldn't go outside anymore! There was no fence and no yard and Mom was afraid I would get lost or try to go back to the old house. She could have been right.
  So, there we are in our new house, getting organized and I was hoping this would work out ok. I'll let you know how that went in the next posts. Suffice it to say, life was almost purrfect in the new house. I just didn't know how soon that would change.

See you soon,

Miss Cat

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